When Marky Maypo first appeared on television in 1956, nobody thought he would be a hit. The cereal he pitched was a type of maple flavored hot mush that had been on the market for decades. The man who created him was a former Disney animator who had been blacklisted in the anti-communist hysteria of the 1950s. Even Heublein, the company that owned Maypo, was hoping that Marky would be a failure, so that they would have some substantial losses to write off. But Marky defied the odds and made his mark on a generation of cereal lovers with his timeless warcry, "I want my Maypo!"
The Tale of Marky Maypo
John Hubley decided early in his life to be a painter.
The Wisconsin native traveled to the west coast to study at
the Art Center of Los Angeles, but was detoured by an offer
from the Disney organization in 1935. He worked on films
including Pinocchio, Fantasia, Bambi, Dumbo and Fantasia, but
was forced to leave the company after the bitter strike of
Hubley served a hitch making films for the Air Force
than joined a host of other former Disney artists to form the
L. A. based animation house United Productions of America.
Hubley was instrumental in shaping the flat,
minimalistic "UPA style" that revolutionized the animation
industry. "Mister Magoo," patterned after Hubley's
bullheaded uncle, brought the studio its first commercial
success. The 1951 short Gerald McBoing Boing won an Academy
By the early 1950s, Hubley and other UPA founders were
fingered as communists by Walt Disney. He was blacklisted
and fired from his job by UPA. He moved to New York and
joined the production shop of another alleged fellow
traveler, Bill Tytla, until Tytla's studio was destroyed by
cold war politics.
Hubley went into business for himself. He gained a
favorable reputation for his work and was doing fairly well
when he was approached by Heublein Inc. Heublein, which
imported distilled liquors, A-1 Steak Sauce, Grey-Poupon
Mustard and Sizzl-Spray, an aerosol barbecue sauce, had
recently purchased the Maltex Company, creators of Maypo, a
maple-syrup flavored hot cereal. In an effort to create tax
deductible expenses, Heublein decided to launch an expensive,
tv campaign for the poorly selling Maltex product.
"They came to us because we were notoriously independent
and they said, 'Make a commercial that's not a commercial,
just do a slice of life, a dramatic piece,'" recalled Faith
Hubley. "They didn't want the cereal company to make a
profit so they gave us total creative freedom to do what ever
we wanted to do. It was a really absurd contract; we had all
the things that you never got from an agency."
Since making Gerald McBoing Boing, Hubley had been
fascinated by the natural sounds of children. "So we just
loved the idea of doing something natural and truthful with a
nonprofessional actor," recalled Faith, "Our boy, Mark."
For days, John Hubley followed his four-year-old son
around with a microphone. "In a way, Marky Maypo was co-
created by young Marky," recalled Faith Hubley. "We did not
use a script. We culled the improvisation for the best lines
and adapted the storyboard from the improvisation." When
Marky mispronounced energy as enjerny, during the recording,
they kept it. As far as the central scene was concerned,
Marky didn't have to act very much. He really and truly
hated Maypo. "Marky didn't like it because it tasted like
oatmeal," recalled his mother.
Marky Maypo made his debut on New York and New England
television stations in September 1956. The spot started with
stubborn Marky, a rough 'n' ready little cartoon cowboy,
sitting on a stool at the breakfast table while his dad
cajoled him into eating his hot mush. In exasperation, his
Dad grabbed the hat off Marky's head and offered another
spoonful. Marky screamed, "I want my hat," but refused
another spoonful with clamped jaws.
Wearing the hat, Dad tried the cereal himself. "It
tastes like maple sugar candy," he said, beaming with
conspicuous delight as he gobbled the cereal down. Seeing a
happy father, a jealous little Marky screamed "I want my
Much to the shock of the Heublein management, the sixty-
second spot was a smash hit. Instead of hurting revenues as
planned, the ad increased sales of Maypo "an average of 78
percent . . . and as high as 186 percent in some markets,"
reported Sponsor, magazine. Millions of kids across America
began yelling, "I want my Maypo!"
In 1960, the Hubleys produced a second Maypo spot, but
the relationship between the artistic animators and the
importing company began to sour. The inevitable break came
over the question of merchandising their animated son. In
addition to plastering Marky on the package, a step the
Hubleys resisted as vulgar, Heublein tried to merchandise
Marky in other ways only to be blocked by the Hubleys'
unusual contract. "They came to the studio and said they
wanted to put a little bust of Marky in the boxes," recalled
Faith. "Johnny and I took a look at them and teasingly said,
'Why don't you put a bust of Beethoven in?' We vetoed a lot
of things and eventually, they stopped coming to us. I can't
stand those advertising people!"
In the 1960s, Heublein bought the troublesome Hubleys
out of their contract - "we were very, very well paid" - and
promptly produced a nine-inch vinyl Marky bank available for
boxtops. Without the Hubleys' behind the creative controls,
however, Maypo's market share slipped away. In the mid
1960s, Heublein sold the Maltex Company to American Home
Products, a huge conglomerate which added Maypo and Maltex to
Wheatena and its other hot breakfast foods.
The Hubleys went on to produce independent films like
Moonbird, which won an academy award, and numerous shorts for
the "Sesame Street" series. Perhaps the biggest compliment
to the Hubleys' work came with the birth of music television.
There is no doubt that the writers who coined the slogan "I
want my MTV!" were echoing the words of a finicky four-year-
old in a cowboy hat.
Today, Mark Hubley is happily married with two boys of
his own and lives in up state New York working as a horse
breeder and trainer. He still hates the taste of Maypo.